Why You Might Need a Portable Generator & How They Work

Most of us have been in a situation where we are out of power and were kept waiting for it to turn back on. Whether it be finishing up an important project on your computer to having access to your home phone, having power in your space for the sake of convenience whether it be that you find yourself in an emergency situation, or you simply need power in an area where there aren’t electric outlets within close proximity. Read on to see a list of reasons why you may need a portable generator in your  life:

You like camping with a little comfort

image: diy-experts.net

You like roughing it outside of a hotel or cabin, but at the same time you want access to
those creature comforts that you can’t seem to part with. Even if you are the type who can last without power and live off the great outdoors, maybe with a generator you can get the whole family to join you, who normally wouldn’t want to live completely off the grid.

You love to Tailgate

image: punchbowl.com



Portable generators are great to have during tailgating and other outdoor events. Make new friends in the stadium parking lots and be the source of power and fun that ensures the party can keep going well into the night.

You like to stay prepared

Anything can happen, which is why more and more Americans are investing in generators. Portable generators are able to keep critical parts of your home running despite power outages – for example keeping your refrigerator cool and helping you save hundreds of dollars worth of food. Additionally, having a portable generator ensures you will always have a way of keeping up communication with the outside world when you experience disaster helping you and your family continue going about your daily life safe and sound until general power is turned back on.


How do they work?

Portable generators rely on electricity and magnetism to function. In the simplest terms, the a regular flow of electrons are created through the generator moving a magnet near wire. The electrons are able to travel through the wire into whichever appliance is plugged into the generator, such as a light bulb.

To power various items in your home, simply fill the generator with gas. A plug installed in the generator with a long cord leads to several outlets that can be used for various items in your home. However, keep in mind that a generator is somewhat of an engine and should never be kept indoors due to the risk of carbon monoxide and always be left safely outside.

Because they are portable, these particular generators can be moved from place to place relatively easily depending on where they are needed. Standby generators that are installed into homes however are priced well into the thousands. Our Merax portable generator is offered at only $319 with 4050 Watts of power to ensure your aren’t left without power in any situation.

Check out this video on how to operate one:


See our generator here:

   On Sale: $299.99 ($20 OFF)
Original Price: $319.99
Coupon:  RMRY18AZ
Expires: 07/19/16 11.59PM PST
Link: http://goo.gl/59Lww6


Giving Your Small Place the Four Dimensions of Space

It is no surprise that people like to live in a well furnished place, because it not only satiates their aesthetic sense, but also offers them the comfort and peace they desire to have in their lives. However, home decoration is not a child’s play, especially if you are up to decorating a small space, be it a single room or a whole house. Having too much in there will make it overcrowded, while having less makes it boring and dull. Therefore, one has to strike the perfect balance while facing such a decoration challenge. So, here are certain tips that will help in “Giving Your Small Place the Four Dimensions of Space”.


Decorating a Small Place

1          Lighten Up

One of the best ways to make a place appear bigger is by allowing more light to reach through it. And one good way to do so is by using colours to your advantage; light colours are known to be more reflective, which makes a room brighter and airy as compared to dark colours, which absorb light to result in a space looking darker and smaller. You can use this phenomenon to your advantage, striving for light colour scheme in your furniture, walls and overall decor, with only few exceptions serving as accent pieces. Keeping same colour for your ceilings and crown mouldings, a shade or two lighter than that of walls also does the trick. This gives the illusion of an open and brighter top, making the room appear taller and wider.

Another way of lightening up is to get rid of any excessive items, from everything like 5 identical vases that you got cheaply to half a dozen t-shirts you won for free. It is better to keep one or two for variety and donate the rest to get rid of clutter. Less clutter simply means a more spacious and inviting place.

2          Vertical is Practical

Lesser the floor space occupied in a place, brighter and spacious it will turn out to be and one of the best ways to achieve this is by using vertical space. This draws the eye up, which results in the space looking expansive and brighter than it actually is. You can do this by using shelves and hooks to give things an elevated platform to be a part of your room interior. In choosing furniture, it would be wiser to think taller and thinner rather than short and squat. This will also help you create an illusion of space by bestowing more space to the room. Vertical space often remains unused and wasted, which can be conveniently used for display, storage and art, finding a great use to it.

3          Doubling Up

Making the most of what you have got is the best trick to deal with small places. You better get rid of that extra table occupying so much of space in your kitchen, if you do not have meals in there. Similarly, an unused cupboard might be converted into a reading nook or home office space. You can also use multipurpose furniture; for example, a room divider also serving as an open bookcase, an end table fitted with storage drawers or storage beds and sofa beds. There is so much you can get innovative with, in order to make better use of space available to you.

4          Placement

Placement of the furniture also plays a significant role in creating the illusion of space. Any room measures largest diagonally, giving you the longest straight line that way. So, furniture placement at an angle helps the eye scale through the longest distance, making the room appear larger diagonally. There is another very important aspect of choosing furniture items; smallest is not always the best. An L shaped couch might fit a place better as compared to a few small chairs. This will also give your room an open and spacious feeling. Using glass and mirror is another great trick for smaller spaces, as it helps more in reflection of light, thus giving the illusion of more space.


Nancy Herald has a lot to share with people in terms of home decor, owing to her long experience in the field. She is living a retired life nowadays with her two grandsons and a puppy, while utilizing the spare time in blogging online.


Ebola Alert – Stay Informed About Ebola Virus Prevention

Are you worried and concerned about all the Ebola news spreading like wildfire these days in the media? There is likely not a single person that has not heard a news report about the deadly Ebola virus, and it has caused panic for some people. No doubt the media is playing their cards, but at the same time, the public benefits by taking precautions.

The virus has seen a widespread outbreak in west African countries, the deadliest outbreak to date. Now, the cases within the United States stem from US travelers working in west Africa. Not all of the cases reported have been confirmed, and it has made many people, including medical professionals take a better look at how to handle all the surrounding circumstances.

Ebola Virus Cycle and Prevention
By CDC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
For starters, transmission of the Ebola virus needs to be understood. Certainly, the cases that have been reported have been in isolation. Does that mean that if you come into contact with a person who has the disease that you’re going to get it too?

It takes more than just coming into contact with a person. There must be a transmission of bodily fluids for the disease to be contagious. This can be blood, saliva, sweat or any other bodily fluid that can be transmitted from person to person.

Just given that the disease is contagious and deadly is enough to scare people. Factor in the unknown portions about the disease and the fact that it caught medical workers slightly off guard, and it makes people wonder if there is not going to be an epidemic of Ebola.

Even with the misconceptions and improper handling on some levels, the Ebola outbreak has been extremely limited. Why? This is because medical professionals say that while it is spread by coming into contact with bodily fluids, this doesn’t mean that it spreads every time or even rapidly.

By Ed Uthman, Houston, Texas, USA (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
However, another thing that has people concerned is the window of time in which the symptoms first appear. Did you know that the average amount of time it takes for a person to start having Ebola symptoms after infection is between 8 and 10 days? It can take as long as 21 days, or a person can start feeling the symptoms after just two days.

Given that the longest time window and point of reference is 21 days, it makes people worried that the whole picture of how many people are exposed is not fully realized at any given point. Plus, since the people need to be isolated, it can make you wonder if there are still others out there spreading the virus unbeknownst to medical authorities.

Once a person contracts the Ebola virus, what is the treatment and outlook? Well, obviously the person is kept in isolation as has been reported. A person’s recovery is going to have everything to do with the immune system of that person as well as the clinical care that is given. Another good aspect of recovery is that a person who recovers actually has antibodies within them for a minimum of ten years that make them Ebola resistant.

There are some uncertainties about the Ebola virus, and that is what is making people panic at times. However, there is enough known about Ebola, and you know enough now after reading this article not to go into panic mode but to handle your concern with level-headed precaution and care.

Practice good hygiene, watch yourself in close quarters, and pay attention to the media. The media’s portrayal may not be in the best light at times, but they are trying to keep people informed nonetheless. It is how you take the news and run with it that matters.

You can read up more on Ebola as well, as there is plenty of information out there, especially about the current outbreaks. Some people are opting not to travel to areas in which Ebola virus cases have been reported.

People with weaker immune systems definitely need to take more precautions, so this would mean children and older people. As long as you’re informed and doing everything you can to keep areas sanitized and clean, there is no need to panic. Instead, be on alert.

Here is a great Prevention Tips from the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/prevention/index.html?s_cid=cs_284