Must Have Gadgets For The Kitchen

Kitchen gadgets often wind up being tossed in a kitchen drawer, forgotten about and never used. Sometimes an item –sure to save time and money – is given with the best of intentions for a wedding or other occasion, and it, too never gets used. It just gets placed on a countertop, gathering dust. Here, then, is a listing of five of the must-have gadgets that you want and will actually use to make kitchen prep easy, quick and convenient.


Kitchen Scissors
Kitchen Scissors

Any kitchen needs scissors, but do not leave the work of cutting through poultry to a pair of scissors better used for clipping coupons. One of the top picks for scissors your kitchen needs, is Joyce Chen Unlimited Scissors.

This product has soft handles for your comfort, but don’t let this fool you. They are tough enough to gnaw through chicken bones, lobster shells, flower stems, and even shrubs. You can use them whether you are left-handed or right-handed. They are durable and safe for cutting tough items without hurting your hands, and can be purchased online for about $20.


Digital Thermometer No-Contact
Digital Thermometer No-Contact

The one thermometer your kitchen needs for cooking or broiling and baking is the Taylor Instant-Read Thermometer. It is one inch in diameter and never requires batteries to take fast, accurate temperature reads. Get it into your kitchen for under $10.


Chicken  Kitchen Timer
Chicken Kitchen Timer

Check your potatoes, meats, and more all at the same time with the only kitchen timer you will ever need. Toss out your old one, and purchase a new Polder brand See-Thru Triple Timer. That’s right, you don’t need to set and reset a timer for up to three different items. Just set your Polder timer once or up to three times to ensure everything comes out perfectly when the timer sounds. Available for about $17 in stores near you.

A Corkscrew


Face it, even in kitchens where wine is not consumed for drinking, it can be a pain to try and open a bottle of cooking sherry with an antiquated corkscrew that leaves have the cork in the bottle and you feeling like a dummy. Invest in a Pull taps Professional corkscrew from Wine Enthusiast. It is made of Teflon, which smoothly slides over corks to remove them without a hitch. Not bad for about $20.

Vegetable Peeler

No Mesh Vegetable Peeler
No Mesh Vegetable Peeler

Sure, you have one already. However, toss it and replace it with one that not only lasts as long as your oldest adult child has been alive, but it also comes with replacement blades. Where is this miraculous gadget available?   Look for the Y-Peeler at a store near you or online. They are made by OXO and will set you back almost $12.
Perhaps these gadgets are ones you thought you never needed, or you thought you had already a full set of these supposed must-have kitchen gadgets. But, now you know that newer twists on older products will keep your kitchen as functional as it can be. You will create meals and desserts without fuss from useless, dusty items.

Meritline has huge selection of useful kitchenware and kitchen gadgets. I am sure you will find something useful for your cooking voyage.

By Aria

How To Clean Your Gadgets With These Tools

Have a variety of gadgets that you want clean? Well then you are going to want to look into this article and see what types of tools you can use to maintain cleanliness with all of your devices.

As long as you are maintaining a clean culture and atmosphere then you should not have any problems with your phone, tablet, or anything else from looking dirty. The one thing that many people allow is for their pieces of technology to get dirty. You do not have to allow this to happen, you can use the following tools to your advantage.

Screen Cleaner

Lens Cleaning Kit

Have you ever cleaned the screen of your gadgets with a spray cleaner? There is specialized spray cleaner that can help you wipe down the screens for all of your favorite devices. All it takes is a bit of times and patience to properly clean your screen. Just spray a bit on it and then gently wipe. Do not wipe to fast or else you may leave a big smudge mark, or worse, scratch your device and make it become extremely damaged.

Mircrofiber Cloth

Microfiber Clothes

There are special clothes you can buy to help remove dust and other particles from your devices. One way to prevent any of your gadgets from forming any type of lasting marks is to clean them regularly with any types of specialty clothes. Look at microfiber clothes to see what can help you. These do not sell for a lot of money, and in fact you can buy some here for an affordable price. As long as you invest a bit of money into your devices then you should not have anything to worry about. We’re here to provide you with a variety of tools to use to help clean all of your tools any time you wish.

Gas Duster

Dust Off

Have you ever used a can of air? A can of air can help get rid of dust and other particles that are trapped inside of your devices. Think about all of the places such as the headphone ports, charger area, and other locations on your device that have a hole or opening in them. You are going to want to clean out these devices with a can of air to help ensure that they are not damaged from a buildup of particles.

It is never too soon or too late to think about cleaning an electronic device. Your gadgets are items that are meant to be cleaned regularly. Failing to clean your devices properly can prove damaging to them in the long run. One of them could become so damaged that they cannot be repaired if you fail to clean them. If that does not happen then you may have to fork out a great deal of money to fix a broken keyboard, replace a part that was damaged due to a smudge buildup or pay for any other types of repairs. Clean your devices properly so that they are well kept.

By Aria