NuGiant NSS13 Wall Mount Surge Protector with USB Charger(Black) – $9.99

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NuGiant NSS13 Wall Mount Surge Protector with USB Charger(Black) – $9.99

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Electricity Bill Saving Tips For The Winter Months

Depending upon where you live, the winter months can be a very difficult time. If it snows quite a bit, or the roads get icy, traveling to and from different locations can be a difficult task. One of the worst things, however, that you can experience are the utility bills that you will have to pay to keep everyone in your household warm. If you heat your home using electric heaters, your electric bill can be several hundred dollars every month.

Energy Star

Even if you heat your home with propane or gas, if you use a monitor heater, it still takes electricity to keep it running day and night. For most people, saving money on electricity during the winter months is something that they are always trying to do.

In this article, we will present several strategies that you can use this year to save a substantial amount of money on your electric bill once the winter months have arrived.

One of the easiest ways that you can save money during the winter months is to unplug devices that you commonly use. Although there is nothing you can do about heating your home, you can save money by unplugging household items that are simply not in use. Whether you are unplugging your television, computers, or other devices that are commonly used, you are going to save a considerable amount of cash every month by not having them constantly plugged in. The easiest way to accomplish this is to buy power strips. By hooking up all of your devices to a handful of power strips, it is possible to lower your energy bill by simply flicking a couple switches.

NuGiant 6 Outlets Power Strip, Energy Saving Smart Surge with 6 ft Long Cord
NuGiant 6 Outlets Power Strip, Energy Saving Smart Surge with 6 ft Long Cord – $24.99

Another way that you can save money is to not use electrical devices during peak energy hours. There are certain times of the day when energy companies charge more money to use the electricity that they provide. For instance, if you are using electrical devices during the day, it will cost you more money to operate them that it would during the late evening hours. Therefore, you might want to set up a schedule for the winter months during which you use your electrical devices at certain times. In most cases, peak hours include six o’clock in the morning until just before noon. Peak hours also extend from about mid afternoon until early evening. If you can avoid using your electronic gadgets and devices during these times, you can save money on your electric bill.

 P3 International Kill A Watt P4400, Large LCD Display Electricity Usage Monitor, Learn Which Appliances Are Costing You The Most!
P3 International Kill A Watt P4400, Large LCD Display Electricity Usage Monitor, Learn Which Appliances Are Costing You The Most! – $19.99

Finally, if you have the money to do so, try to purchase energy saving devices, specifically those that are Energy Star. These devices are designed to run on lower amounts of electricity. If you have older appliances in your home such as a range, refrigerator, or a freezer, by replacing them with Energy Star appliances, you can save several dollars every month on your electric bill as a result of using these energy-efficient appliances. Although the upfront cost will be somewhat expensive, over time, these appliances will pay for themselves, especially when utilized during the winter months.

Energy Saving Light Bulb for Home Spotlight & Small Lamp
Energy Saving Light Bulb for Home Spotlight & Small Lamp

In conclusion, by unplugging electronic devices that are not being used, using electronic devices during off-peak hours, and purchasing Energy Star devices and appliances that use far less electricity, you will be able to save money on your electric bill each and every month by implementing these tips prior to, and during, the winter season.


Lower Your Electric Bill With 5 Energy Saving Tips For Home Electronics

Summer is now in full swing, and for most of us that means it’s time for back yard BBQ’s, afternoons at the pool and other out side activities that can only be enjoyed in summer time.

The down side of summer is the inevitable rise in your electric bill because of the heat! The hot, summer weather means that you’ll be running the AC on high, if you are lucky enough to have one, and if you don’t have an AC, you’ll be running fans, swamp coolers and ice cream makers in an attempt to cool off!

If you dread your upcoming electric bill, have no fear, 5 energy saving tips for your home electronics is here! Without further ado, here you go, in random order.

Energy Saving Tip #1

Unplug electronics that you aren’t using. It’s a little known fact that all of your home electronics consume a small amount of electricity, even when you aren’t using them. The simple act of unplugging a television can lower your energy consumption and thus, lower your bill. This is especially important when you are going away for a long weekend or summer vacation. No sense in wasting energy when you aren’t even home!

Energy Saving Tip #2

Switch to LED light bulbs. This tip alone reduced my monthly bill so much the first month that I promptly went out and replaced ALL of my light bulbs with the low consuming, LED variety. The secret is to buy light bulbs that put out a ‘warm’ light, this way you avoid the nasty, unnatural light that these bulbs are known for. With warm light, you’ll never in notice the difference, except when it’s time to pay the bill.

Check out huge selection of LED Light Bulb Now!

Here are some of the selections,

LED White Light Ultra Bright LED Bulb Lamp
LED White Light Ultra Bright LED Bulb Lamp – $7.99
LED Corn Light Bulb Lamp
LED Corn Light Bulb Lamp, Color: Warm – $9.99

Energy Saving Tip #3

Program your AC to stay at a set temperature. Don’t fall for the energy trap of lowering the temperature a few degree in order to kick the AC on when its super hot! Be comfortable with the temperature set, and kept, at a steady 75°F. If you still feel uncomfortable, install a ceiling fan for air circulation when you are in the room, just be sure to turn it off when you aren’t in the room.

Energy Saving Tip #4

Use batteries in your home electronics as much as possible. Many of your small electronics, like night stand alarm clocks, can run off of small batteries, thus saving energy. As a small plus, if the electric ever goes off, you won’t have to reset your clock!

Energy Saving Tip #5

Use a clothes line to dry your clothes, instead of your dryer. This may be a bit more time consuming, but nothing beats sheets that have dried naturally out in the summer sun shine! Even if you only air dry a few loads of laundry each week, you’ll be lowering the amount of energy that you pay for.

Well, there you have it, 5 energy saving tips for your home electronics!

If you are serious about saving energy, check out this product from This item will allow you to check the Electricity Usage of each electronic device and then you can decide which one to switch off more often.

P3 International Kill A Watt P4400, Large LCD Display Electricity Usage Monitor

Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor
Large LCD Display Electricity Usage Monitor – $16.99
