The Next Wedding Trend

Wedding trends come and go. Some go back and forth, reappearing every so often—albeit with a new dress on. Accompanying certain up-and-coming trends is the prevalence of devil-may-care attitudes regarding traditional vs. trendy.

Shotgun is the new formal, at least in how swiftly planned, semi-theatrical, irreverent ceremonies are gaining in popularity. Gone also are the days of huge and expensive weddings, though celebs are still good for them. Today’s brides and grooms make their matrimonial mark and set their own personal records via how individually they stage their weddings, not how lavishly they do.

Whether intimate, complicated, retro, metro, Seventiesploitation, mock Elizabethan, or futuristic, the newest wedding trends are about how to reiterate what’s already been said, not reinventing the wheel. Here are some of the more popular wedding style ‘reiterations’ of the moment.

DIY (Do It Yourself)

DIY Wedding

If you have any clothing design/sewing ability, dare to make your bridesmaids’ dresses from scratch. DIY weddings are the best idea since prefab houses, equally modern and hip. Unlike prefabs, though, DIY weddings are classy-cheap—the best combination of design principles.

Of course, you don’t have to make dresses from scratch. But the money-saving temptation to make everything else on your own is profound and economical. Invitations, place settings, venue décor, a potluck style reception—the list is endless. Photoshop your way into unique wedding ‘thank you’ cards. Lavish your guests with DIY wedding favors: handmade chocolate truffles or mini bottles of homemade limoncello packaged elegantly and wrapped with a commemorative bow.

With the right amount of research and careful, timely planning, DIY weddings are always unique. They are also thousands of dollars less than contracting the whole affair.


Vintage Wedding

You can’t decide between Vintage Cosmopolitan Chic and Old School Cinderella? Mash them up and incorporate both. This, perhaps, is the newest and hottest wedding trend.

Some years back, weddings from here to Nova Scotia found themselves caught in the grip of vintage, repurposed, everything borrowed, snatched from thrift store racks and secondhand shops. Recently, brides have begun ushering in the high glam, princess-chanteuse elegance of yore. Think Gatsby and Daisy, but not nearly as costly and with a happy ending.

This resurgence might have something to do with William and Kate. ‘Royal Ceremony’ style is slowly creeping back on the scene, though today’s extreme couponing brides are inventing ways to do it without incurring lifelong debt. Enter the vintage element.

Vintage in this sense is not meant to convey overpriced DVF wrap dresses from the 70s, but more of a down-to-earth, grounded feeling. Vintage is the conceptual rein that steadies the stallion of extravagance. Striking the balance while excelling at both is currently the only way to travel down the aisle.

Next stop: a fierce, one-of-a-kind wedding at a fraction of the usual cost. Some specific examples follow.

Ritzy Ranch – Dusty cowboy boots, stirrups, tiaras
‘Green’ Glitz – Parks/beaches as venues and donations to sustainable causes as wedding gifts
Baby Blue – Intentionally minimalist weddings devoid of white (especially the wedding dress)
Crafty Contessa- Arts and crafts decorations mixed with professionally made

Vintage glam allows for the old, the new, the borrowed and the periwinkle-blue. This trend acknowledges luxury, but keeps its wits firmly rooted in practicality. It will be the predominant trend for this year and perhaps for many to come.

Guest Author: Laura Greening is a mom and a part time wedding planner. She loves to write about wedding planning and preparation. She is currently working as a consultant for MyKidStudio, a flower girl dress store, based in Los Angeles, CA.

The Awesome Guide To Father’s Day Gifts

When it comes to father’s day (June 16, 2013), many people have no idea what to buy their dads. It is easy to pick up a tie or a bottle of cologne, but it would show dad you care if you were a bit more creative. Here are several things you can get him that he will absolutely love.

1. The Grill Master

If your dad is very fond of cooking on the grill, you could try buying him a grilling set. Most of these sets include a grilling fork, tongs, a spatula, a basting brush and several skewers. Do some research before making your purchase since there are several companies that will allow you to personalize the carrying case with dad’s name.

BBQ Grill
2. The Sleepy Head

Every man loves a pair of cotton pajamas. They are comfortable and very durable. Find some in a color that complements dad and he will love you forever. Do not buy any that are too cheap because they will fall apart and/or get warped when you wash them.

Daddy Pajamas

3. The Stylish Daddy

While it may be tempting to buy your dad a wallet, why not buy him something that is a bit more refined. A personalized money clip is one thing he should be able to appreciate. It is not as versatile or popular as a wallet, so your father will know that you went the extra mile to get him something different.

$100 Bill Wallet
4. The Gadget Geek

If your father is the owner of a ton of electronics, think about buying him some accessories for them. For example, if he owns an iPad, you can buy him a nice carrying case. When choosing a design, make sure that you buy something that fits his personality.

IPad Cases
5. The Homer Simpson

Does your dad have a drink every day after work? If so, you should surprise him with some beer steins or wine glasses. Since this is something he does often, this would be a gift that he would use a lot of the time. It won’t collect dust in the closet with all of those things he doesn’t want.

Skull Bottle and Cup
6. The Number One Fan

Number One Fans

Are you aware of any upcoming events that your father is dying to attend? Maybe he would appreciate tickets to a sporting event or seats in the stands during a home game. Whatever his pleasure is, buy him a couple of seats. Make sure to buy two tickets so he will not have to go alone.

7. The Simple Dad

Gift Card

If all else fails, you can always buy your father a gift card to one of his favorite stores. This is not the most original idea in the world, but it will eliminate the chances of you selecting something that he doesn’t like. Don’t worry about him thinking you didn’t care enough to be original. The fact that you are giving him free money to buy something he likes will be enough of a gift for him and don’t forget to remind him to check out Meritline’s Daily Deals.

It is not always easy to select a gift for special occasions, but finding one to show your dad you love and appreciate him is especially hard. Hopefully you will know exactly what to get him after reading this.
