What Your Kids Need To Start School

The start of a new school year is always an exciting time for parents and children, but there many things you need to get done before you can send your kids to their first day. Back-to-school shopping is an annual ritual for many families, and taking the time to plan ahead can make this task a much more pleasant one. Be sure that your kids have all the supplies they need before they start a new year.

Jansport Agave

Many schools will send out lists of supplies that you will need to purchase for your children. Be sure to keep this list on hand when you go shopping so that you do not forget anything. The last thing you want is to send your child off to school without some important item that he will need right away.

A good backpack is an important piece of equipment that students need to carry books, folders, and other school supplies. If your child’s old backpack is wearing out, or if he has outgrown it, spend some time shopping for a new one. Look for a pack with strong shoulder straps and plenty of support so that your child does not injure himself by carrying more weight than is safe.

These days, many schools are relying more and more upon digital supplies. Check with the school to see if students are required to bring a tablet or other mobile device for their classes. In some cases, you may be able to qualify for a subsidy to reduce the price, or you may even be able to receive a device for free that your child can use at school.

Shopping for supplies for a new school year can be frustrating if you do not plan ahead. Take some time to prepare so that you do not have to frantically run around at the last minute. Doing so will make the weeks before school starts a lot more pleasant.

If you need backpacks for your kids back to school, check out our huge selection of backpacks. Click here!

4 Must Have Office Tools for Small Business

Running a new business in the overly crowded market place, and without all the essential tools can be stressing at times. This is because you need to remain relevant in the field while at the same time competing with your competition (the big boys). A new business is always delicate during the first few days and even months of operation. It is for this reason why you need to employ every tactic to ensure everything runs as desired, and that customers are happy. Discussed below tools you should have in your business office.

Office_toolkit1. Google Analytics

This is a simple tool from Google that helps monitor how much traffic is coming to your business website. This tool can help you determine factors you can implement to make your business run smoothly and drive sales from the same. As a business owner, you can use statistics acquired from this tool to better your business.

2. Dropbox

This is a cloud file storage tool that helps keep all office files accessible from anywhere. Whether traveling or not, Dropbox will make all files accessible wherever you are. This makes it convenient to monitor all files and documents via the secure cloud server.

3. VOIP applications

VoIP applications help ease communication costs with other businesses or clients. Skype is a good example of this, an application that enables secure and reliable communication between customers and businesses. This is especially important if one operates an online based business.

4. CRM tools

Customer relationship management tools helps create a link between businesses and customers. Businesses have been able to serve their customers much better, and this has led to an increase in productivity and profitability in many.

If you are thinking of starting off a new business, the tools discussed above should help you start off well. You will also need tangible tools for the purpose such as a working computer/laptop, fast internet and a printer.

Check out Meritline.com huge selection of office supplies!

Image credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Hands Down The Best All in One Printer Model for 2014

No matter who you are, a printer is an essential component to anyone’s life. I mean, there is simply so many times that you need to use a printer. Whether it is to print off your children’s school assignment, pamphlets for your restaurant business or perhaps a scientific report your laboratory conducted printers are essential. Not only are printers essential, a good and reliable printer is absolutely needed for anyone. You may be wondering what the best all in one printer for 2014 is, well it’s the PIXMA MG3222 Wireless.

Canon PIXMA MG3222
Canon PIXMA MG3222

One of the most standout features of the PIXMA MG3222 is the fact that it is completely wireless. That’s right, you won’t have to deal with all of those cords that many printers come with. To install the Canon PIXMA you simply have to use the installation CD, and then you are set. The Canon PIXMA MG3222 takes away the need for cables in today’s day and age and takes a step into the future where cords will be the thing of the past.

In addition, you will be glad to know that the Canon PIXMA MG3222 is compatible with all Apple products. That means that with a touch on your Apple product you can print high quality images from your Canon PIXMA MG322. There really isn’t many other printers that offer such an exclusive feature such as this.

Finally, it goes without saying that the image the Canon PIXMA MG3222 produces is of the highest quality. All the images from the printer are in glorious top quality high resolution.
With all of these features, it’s no wonder that the Canon PIXMA MG3222 is the best all in one printer for 2014. If you’re looking to get a new printer you now know what to get!

Click here in you need: Canon PIXMA MG3222 Ink Cartridge

Here is the Canon PIXMA MG3222 unboxing video: