Our Best Tips For 2014 Black Friday Shopping

With Black Friday quickly approaching, it’s no wonder that people are starting to put together their battle plans. Wait, battle plans? That’s right, Black Friday is considered one of the biggest, most dangerous shopping days of the year, and we’re here to tell you how to make the most of it – without getting hurt.

Black Friday Shopping


Know What You’re Going For

You can’t amble around on Black Friday and expect to have a relaxing shopping experience. Quite the opposite. You have to know exactly what you’re getting and where it’s located in the store. That’s what we’re referring to when we say “make battle plans.” You need to know the layout of the store and exactly what deals you’re going for. It’s pointless to show up – early, even – and not know where the deals are. Then you end up with them being out of stock, and you’re out of an item!

Watch Your Surroundings

Most injuries that occur on Black Friday come from people being careless. This includes both out on the road and in the stores. Don’t push or shove, and be mindful of any instructions store staff give you. You may still come out with a few bruises, but hopefully you’ll mostly be in tact.

Wait For Cyber Monday

More and more people are just not going shopping on Black Friday anymore, due to its dangers, its early hours, and all the other stress that comes with it. Instead, they’re holding out for something called Cyber Monday, or the day after Thanksgiving when all the online stores have their big sales. Sit in your PJs online and shop at your own pace – all without the bruises.

Black Friday is supposed to be fun, but we want you to be safe and get what you’re looking for too!